European culture, through its roman, germanic, christian and Enlightenment heritage, is more important than the local cultures of Europe.
European culture, through its roman, germanic, christian and Enlightenment heritage, is more important than the local cultures of Europe.
This is why we are European patriots.
We thus want a European federal Republic.
Such a european féderal government will be responsible for Defense, Foreign Affairs, Industry and Research.
We want to create the European Republic in the main core European countries first (France and Germany) by coming to power in those countries or by deciding the Heads of states in such countries to do so.
We then want to incorporate into this Republic the rest of the European countries.
FEDERAL EUROPE is a euroconservative culturalist and social political party. Its goal is to bring together conservative patriotic and liberal pro european voters in France and Germany by proposing a strong Europe and a European patriotism.
The 3 basic tenets of our party are:
1/ European patriotism first, local patriotism second
Europeans share a common culture, a common territory, a common history and a common population. They form a Civilisation and thus a grand Nation based on the european grand national identity.
Their culture is mostly Roman, Germanic, Christian and rational with inputs from Catholicism, the Renaissance, the Reformation and the Enlightenment.
Their territory is delimited by the Atlantic, the Mediterranean and by the Russian territories.
Their history consists of the Roman Empire, the Frankish Empire, the Holy Roman Empire and the Papacy.
Their State existed for 1000 years from Caesar to the grand sons of Charlemagne.
Their population is in greater part Germanic, with Italic, Slavic, Celtic and other elements.
Minorities living in Europe are part of the European Nation and contribute to its culture.
The grand European Nation regroups the small nations of Europe and respect the identity of each small european nation.
European patriotism must thus come before French, German, Dutch, British etc patriotism.
2/ Creation of the European Federal Government , called the European Federation, responsible for Defense, Foreign Affairs, Industry and Research in the core European countries first
A european fédral government is necessary to ensure real sovereignty for matters where individual european nations can no longer be really sovereign, namely Defense, Foreign Affairs, industry and Research.
Each european nation remains sovereign in every matter where it can really be sovereign alone 8education, social, police, justice, local cultural affairs etc)
Only the creation of a European federal government first in the centre of Europe, i.e. with Germany and France, can succeed. A European government is not viable without France or Germany. Once the European federal government will have been created in the centre of Europe it will be possible to incorporate the rest of the European countries in it.
The European federal government must be directly elected by the European citizens to enjoy, legitimacy, support and power.
A European Federal government is necessary to defend European interests.
3/ Membership of the European Federation in the European Union.
The European Union is a federation of European states and it brings crucial benefits by creating an embryo of European power.
The European Union is a first step towards integration in a European Federal State.
The European Union cannot survive if there is no will to create a European Federal government because populations want a government really sovereign.
The capital of the European federal Republic and thus of the European Federal State should be Aachen, last capital of a European State, founded by Charlemagne.
Our motto: diversity in unity
Constitutional program
Our primary goal is to establish a European Federal Government by incorporating France and Germany into a European Federal Republic and State.
France and Germany will have to agree to create a European Nation State and a European Constitution.will have to be adopted by the French and the Germans separately.
Such a constitution should of federal and presidential character.
1/ A federal constitution
The Constitution must be federal because Europe is diverse.
Only maters where individual european nations cannot be sovereign should fall under the power of the European federal government, namely Defense, Foreign Affairs, Industry and Research.
Each european nation shall remain sovereign for all the other matters.
2/ A presidential constitution
The Constitution must be presidential, as this strengthens territorial integrity as well as political stability, efficiency and accountability.
The president, elected for 5 years by the people, will be the head of state, the government and the armed forces.. He will appoint ministers and share legislative initiative with the Assembly. The President will be able to veto legislation. He may govern by decree in areas not covered by the law, notably to maintain the budget as it stands or to conduct military operations for a certain period.
A Chancellor of the European Federation will be elected by the citizens at the same time as the President. The Chancellor will advise the President, supervise the actions of the ministers and may be entrusted with governmental missions. He will succeed the President in the event of the latter's vacancy.
The chancellor must come from a European country other than the country of origin of the president of the European federation.
The European Assembly, representing the citizens of the federation, elected for 5 years, and the European Senate, representing the countries of the federation, will vote on legislation. These two chambers can lift a presidential veto with 3/4 of their votes.
The Senate will approve ministerial appointments, but may not reject more than 3 candidates for the same post.
the European Federal Supreme Court will uphold the federation's constitution, laws and treaties.
The first European presidential elections will take place once the Constitution has been approved separately by the French and German people. Then the first elections for the European Senate and Assembly will take place, followed by the appointment of judges to the Federal Supreme Court.
The French and German governments are the most competent and legitimate to draft the federal constitution.
Domestic Program
1/ Domestic program of the European Federal State
The European federation will ask European countries which are not yet part of the European Federation to incorporate the European State. If they refuse, It will support European Federal party forces in European countries outside the Federation in order to speed up the incorporation of the rest of the European countries into the Federal State.
The European Federation must be a federal State to take into consideration the important differences within Europe.
The official languages of the federation should be English (because it is the most widely known European language in Europe),German and French. These languages must be used in the federal government, in the federal administration and army and for federal exams. In every other instance the language of the local country must be used.
The other European languages should be used within the member countries for all the other matters.
Federal district creation to host the Federal institutions.
A power to tax in order to pay for federal European expenditures will be granted to the European Federal State.
Eventually borders, justice related to crimes against the European Republic and State, trade policy, part of equipment, part of environment, part of agriculture, part of higher education, part of transportation as well as part of History teaching could be transferred to the European federal government. Member countries will retain the other powers and responsabilities.
European concentration of energy, telecommunications, airlines, railroad and weapons industry . Investment in digital infrastructure and in strategic or underdeveloped sectors in partnership with private companies will be done.
Pursuit of car electrification and heating electrification . Massive support for nuclear energy, new energies, especially solar and fusion must be supported. Waterways and rail goods transport. Development of supersonic trains.
A European TV and Radio broadcasting company will emit in English, French and German with local subtitles.
Promotion of the European cultural heritage, notably for architecture, plastic arts, sculpture, music and cinema.
The social market economy must be defended and enhanced. High income households and corporations must be taxed at a rate of 50% to help labour and middle classes, notably in order to sustain demand.
Protection of workers rights
Investment in the poorest European countries must be carried out to lift their economic and social level over the long term.
Rationalization of public spending must be a constant goal of Federal, country and regional governments, in order to invest usefully, especially during recessions. Global demand must be supported.
Business climate must be improved through bureaucratic streamlining, anti corruption fight and good infrastructure.
Erasmus for every student who wishes to study in another European State. Possibility to vote and to become civil servant for every european citizen in any european country.
Visa free entry for study and work of US and Canadian citizens in Europe, on condition of reciprocity.
Protection of minority rights if these rights do not infringe on the freedom and way of life of the dominant culture. Immigration must remain limited.
2/ Domestic program for each European local State (France, Germany, Italy etc):
Make the apprentice system compulsory for companies.
Protection of workers rights and negociation capability by preventing discretionary lay offs, but alowing lay offs when both the employer and the worker agree. Longer unemployement benefits must be coupled to professional training, which must be improved through incitives and sanctions.
Protection of Pensions, but age for pension benefit must be increased.
Improvement of Business climate through bureaucratic streamlining, anti corruption fight and good infrastructure.
Rationalization of public spending must be a constant goal of Federal, country and regional governments, in order to invest usefully, especially during recessions.
Improvement of Integration through school and State programs focussing on European culture, european history, european patriotism and languages.
Improvement of Security in every neighbourhood through social workers, proximity police units and more anti crime police units.
Every one must have the ability to access to health care at no or very little cost, through a public health network (hospitals, medical centers, associated health care professionals).
Higher income must be taxed properly (50%).
Support for labor classes and middle classes through housing help and children help. Expansion of social housing.
Promoting the transmission of culture through the family.
Improvement of Natality through social incentives and school infrastructures.
Objective of man-woman wage equality for equal job, via incentives.
Protection of minority rights Same sex marriage must be allowed.
For France in particular: removal of departments
For Germany in particular: a German wide education system
International Program
The European federation will become a member of the European Union and of the European Monetary Union. (Eurozone)
The European federation will set up a European Army by integrating member countries regiments in European brigades and armies under European command. Gradual integration of companies into European regiments and subsequently complete integration between member countries armed forces will be pursued. The same will be done for naval forces and air forces.
Increase of missiles forces, naval forces (especially submarines), air forces, space forces, their support network and the intelligence services. It will enhance the quality of its ground forces equipment.
Defence budget: 3 % GDP of the European federation, notably to be able to defend the East of Europe and to promote European diplomatic and commercial interests across the world.
The European federation will set up mutual defensive alliances and/or military partnerships with other countries.
It will do it first with countries part of Central Asia (Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Azerbaidjan, Turkestan countries) and with countries part of the Arab world. Central Asia and the Arab world are the two main European neighbours. From this position, the European Federation will be in the position to establish normal relations with Russia and to expand its influence in the rest of the world, especially in Africa.
Free orientation for Ukraine and Belorussia must be supported by Europe (but not their incorporation into the European federal state).
Europe will have to establish a strategic partnership with China. She will have to have solid links with India.
The European federal State will be a member of Nato at the beginning. But as it grows it will not need this membership anymore because it will no longer need American protection.
However human relations between Europe and the USA will be enhanced (visas, studies, immigration).
Two State solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The European federation will establish preferred trade and economic agreements with its allies and it will support its military, industrial and agricultural commercial interests and those of its allies with its diplomatic might.
Establishment of European cultural institutes (which could be called Aristotle Institutes) in the main cities of the world and Europe to promote European culture, to support the teaching of German, French, English. and to promote cultural exchange.
Help for regional diplomatic, military and political integration in exchange for diplomatic and military support on the part of the regional major powers.
Spread of a solid form of presidential regime because this form of regime is capable of ensuring territorial integrity and social justice through sufficient power centralization while beeing checked by the people.
Fight against carbon emissions and protection of the environment, with setting of priorities, notably within the framework of the Paris accords.
Contribution to peace within the UN framework.
This is why we are European patriots.
We thus want a European federal Republic.
Such a european féderal government will be responsible for Defense, Foreign Affairs, Industry and Research.
We want to create the European Republic in the main core European countries first (France and Germany) by coming to power in those countries or by deciding the Heads of states in such countries to do so.
We then want to incorporate into this Republic the rest of the European countries.
FEDERAL EUROPE is a euroconservative culturalist and social political party. Its goal is to bring together conservative patriotic and liberal pro european voters in France and Germany by proposing a strong Europe and a European patriotism.
The 3 basic tenets of our party are:
1/ European patriotism first, local patriotism second
Europeans share a common culture, a common territory, a common history and a common population. They form a Civilisation and thus a grand Nation based on the european grand national identity.
Their culture is mostly Roman, Germanic, Christian and rational with inputs from Catholicism, the Renaissance, the Reformation and the Enlightenment.
Their territory is delimited by the Atlantic, the Mediterranean and by the Russian territories.
Their history consists of the Roman Empire, the Frankish Empire, the Holy Roman Empire and the Papacy.
Their State existed for 1000 years from Caesar to the grand sons of Charlemagne.
Their population is in greater part Germanic, with Italic, Slavic, Celtic and other elements.
Minorities living in Europe are part of the European Nation and contribute to its culture.
The grand European Nation regroups the small nations of Europe and respect the identity of each small european nation.
European patriotism must thus come before French, German, Dutch, British etc patriotism.
2/ Creation of the European Federal Government , called the European Federation, responsible for Defense, Foreign Affairs, Industry and Research in the core European countries first
A european fédral government is necessary to ensure real sovereignty for matters where individual european nations can no longer be really sovereign, namely Defense, Foreign Affairs, industry and Research.
Each european nation remains sovereign in every matter where it can really be sovereign alone 8education, social, police, justice, local cultural affairs etc)
Only the creation of a European federal government first in the centre of Europe, i.e. with Germany and France, can succeed. A European government is not viable without France or Germany. Once the European federal government will have been created in the centre of Europe it will be possible to incorporate the rest of the European countries in it.
The European federal government must be directly elected by the European citizens to enjoy, legitimacy, support and power.
A European Federal government is necessary to defend European interests.
3/ Membership of the European Federation in the European Union.
The European Union is a federation of European states and it brings crucial benefits by creating an embryo of European power.
The European Union is a first step towards integration in a European Federal State.
The European Union cannot survive if there is no will to create a European Federal government because populations want a government really sovereign.
The capital of the European federal Republic and thus of the European Federal State should be Aachen, last capital of a European State, founded by Charlemagne.
Our motto: diversity in unity
Constitutional program
Our primary goal is to establish a European Federal Government by incoporating France and Germany into a European Federal Republic and State.
France and Germany will have to agree to create a European Nation State and a European Constitution.will have to be adopted by the French and the Germans separately.
Such a constitution should of federal and presidential character.
1/ A federal constitution
The Constitution must be federal because Europe is diverse.
Only maters where individual european nations cannot be sovereign should fall under the power of the European federal governement, namely Defense, Foreign Affairs, Industry and Research.
Each european nation shall remain sovereign for all the other matters.
2/ A presidential constitution
The Constitution must be presidential, as this strengthens territorial integrity as well as political stability, efficiency and accountability.
The president will be the head of state, government and armed forces. He will appoint ministers and share legislative initiative with the Assembly. The President will be able to veto legislation. He may govern by decree in areas not covered by the law, notably to maintain the budget as it stands or to conduct military operations for a certain period.
A Chancellor of the European Federation will be elected by the citizens at the same time as the President. The Chancellor will advise the President, supervise the actions of the ministers and may be entrusted with governmental missions. He will succeed the President in the event of the latter's vacancy.
The chancellor must come from a European country other than the country of origin of the president of the European federation.
The European Assembly, representing the citizens of the federation, elected for 5 years through majority vote, and the European Senate, representing the countries of the federation, will vote on legislation. These two chambers can lift a presidential veto with 3/4 of their votes.
The Senate will approve ministerial appointments, but may not reject more than 3 candidates for the same post.
the European Federal Supreme Court will uphold the federation's constitution, laws and treaties.
The first European presidential elections will take place once the Constitution has been approved separately by the French and German people. Then the first elections for the European Senate and Assembly will take place, followed by the appointment of judges to the Federal Supreme Court.
The French and German governments are the most competent and legitimate to draft the federal constitution.
Domestic Program
1/ Domestic program of the European Federal State
The European federation will ask European countries which are not yet part of the European Federation to incorporate the European State. If they refuse, It will support European Federal party forces in European countries outside the Federation in order to speed up the incorporation of the rest of the European countries into the Federal State.
The European Federation must be a federal State to take into consideration the important differences within Europe.
The official languages of the federation should be English (because it is the most widely known European language in Europe),German and French. These languages must be used in the federal government, in the federal administration and army and for federal exams. In every other instance the language of the local country must be used.
The other European languages should be used within the member countries for all the other matters.
Federal district creation to host the Federal institutions.
A power to tax in order to pay for federal European expenditures will be granted to the European Federal State.
Eventually borders, justice related to crimes against the European Republic and State, trade policy, part of equipment, part of environment, part of agriculture, part of higher education, part of transportation as well as part of History teaching could be transferred to the European federal government. Member countries will retain the other powers and responsibilities.
European concentration of energy, telecommunications, airlines, railroad and weapons industry . Investment in digital infrastructure and in strategic or underdeveloped sectors in partnership with private companies will be done.
Pursuit of car electrification and heating electrification . Massive support for nuclear energy, new energies, especially solar and fusion must be supported. Waterways and rail goods transport. Development of supersonic trains.
A European TV and Radio broadcasting company will emit in English, French and German with local subtitles.
Promotion of the European cultural heritage, notably for architecture, plastic arts, sculpture, music and cinema.
The social market economy must be defended and enhanced. High income households and corporations must be taxed at a rate of 50% to help labour and middle classes, notably in order to sustain demand.
Protection of workers rights
Investment in the poorest European countries must be carried out to lift their economic and social level over the long term.
Rationalization of public spending must be a constant goal of Federal, country and regional governments, in order to invest usefully, especially during recessions. Global demand must be supported.
Business climate must be improved through bureaucratic streamlining, anti corruption fight and good infrastructure.
Erasmus for every student who wishes to study in another European State. Possibility to vote and to become civil servant for every european citizen in any european country.
Visa free entry for study and work of US and Canadian citizens in Europe, on condition of reciprocity.
Protection of minority rights if these rights do not infringe on the freedom and way of life of the dominant culture. Immigration must remain limited.
2/ Domestic program for each European local State (France, Germany, Italy etc):
Make the apprentice system compulsory for companies.
Protection of workers rights and negociation capability by preventing discretionary lay offs, but allowing lay offs when both the employer and the worker agree. Longer unemployement benefits must be coupled to professional training, which must be improved through incentives and sanctions.
Protection of Pensions, but age for pension benefit must be increased.
Improvement of Business climate through bureaucratic streamlining, anti corruption fight and good infrastructure.
Rationalization of public spending must be a constant goal of Federal, country and regional governments, in order to invest usefully, especially during recessions.
Improvement of Integration through school and State programs focussing on European culture, european history, european patriotism and languages.
Improvement of Security in every neighbourhood through social workers, proximity police units and more anti crime police units.
Every one must have the ability to access to health care at no or very little cost, through a public health network (hospitals, medical centers, associated health care professionals).
Higher income must be taxed properly (50%).
Support for labor classes and middle classes through housing help and children help. Expansion of social housing.
Promoting the transmission of culture through the family.
Improvement of Natality through social incentives and school infrastructures.
Objective of man-woman wage equality for equal job, via incentives.
Protection of minority rights Same sex marriage must be allowed.
For France in particular: removal of departments
For Germany in particular: a German wide education system
International Program
The European federation will become a member of the European Union and of the European Monetary Union. (Eurozone)
The European federation will set up a European Army by integrating member countries regiments in European brigades and armies under European command. Gradual integration of companies into European regiments and subsequently complete integration between member countries armed forces will be pursued. The same will be done for naval forces and air forces.
Increase of missiles forces, naval forces (especially submarines), air forces, space forces, their support network and the intelligence services. It will enhance the quality of its ground forces equipment.
Defence budget: 3 % GDP of the European federation, notably to be able to defend the East of Europe and to promote European diplomatic and commercial interests across the world.
The European federation will set up mutual defensive alliances and/or military partnerships with other countries.
It will do it first with countries part of Central Asia (Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Azerbaidjan, Turkestan countries) and with countries part of the Arab world. Central Asia and the Arab world are the two main European neighbours. From this position, the European Federation will be in the position to establish normal relations with Russia and to expand its influence in the rest of the world, especially in Africa.
Free orientation for Ukraine and Belorussia must be supported by Europe (but not their incorporation into the European federal state).
Europe will have to establish a strategic partnership with China. She will have to have solid links with India.
The European federal State will be a member of Nato at the beginning. But as it grows it will not need this membership anymore because it will no longer need American protection.
However human relations between Europe and the USA will be enhanced (visas, studies, immigration).
Two State solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The European federation will establish preferred trade and economic agreements with its allies and it will support its military, industrial and agricultural commercial interests and those of its allies with its diplomatic might.
Establishment of European cultural institutes (which could be called Aristotle Institutes) in the main cities of the world and Europe to promote European culture, to support the teaching of German, French, English. and to promote cultural exchange.
Help for regional diplomatic, military and political integration in exchange for diplomatic and military support on the part of the regional major powers.
Spread of a solid form of presidential regime because this form of regime is capable of ensuring territorial integrity and social justice through sufficient power centralization while beeing checked by the people.
Fight against carbon emissions and protection of the environment, with setting of priorities, notably within the framework of the Paris accords.
Contribution to peace within the UN framework.
European culture, through its roman, germanic, christian and Enlightenment heritage, is more important than the local cultures of Europe.
This is why we are European patriots.
We thus want a European federal Republic.
Such a european féderal government will be responsible for Defense, Foreign Affairs, Industry and Research.
We want to create the European Republic in the main core European countries first (France and Germany) by coming to power in those countries or by deciding the Heads of states in such countries to do so.
We then want to incorporate into this Republic the rest of the European countries.
FEDERAL EUROPE is a euroconservative culturalist and social political party. Its goal is to bring together conservative patriotic and liberal pro european voters in France and Germany by proposing a strong Europe and a European patriotism.
The 3 basic tenets of our party are:
1/ European patriotism first, local patriotism second
Europeans share a common culture, a common territory, a common history and a common population. They form a Civilisation and thus a grand Nation based on the european grand national identity.
Their culture is mostly Roman, Germanic, Christian and rational with inputs from Catholicism, the Renaissance, the Reformation and the Enlightenment.
Their territory is delimited by the Atlantic, the Mediterranean and by the Russian territories.
Their history consists of the Roman Empire, the Frankish Empire, the Holy Roman Empire and the Papacy.
Their State existed for 1000 years from Caesar to the grand sons of Charlemagne.
Their population is in greater part Germanic, with Italic, Slavic, Celtic and other elements.
Minorities living in Europe are part of the European Nation and contribute to its culture.
The grand European Nation regroups the small nations of Europe and respect the identity of each small european nation.
European patriotism must thus come before French, German, Dutch, British etc patriotism.
2/ Creation of the European Federal Government , called the European Federation, responsible for Defense, Foreign Affairs, Industry and Research in the core European countries first
A european fédral government is necessary to ensure real sovereignty for matters where individual european nations can no longer be really sovereign, namely Defense, Foreign Affairs, industry and Research.
Each european nation remains sovereign in every matter where it can really be sovereign alone 8education, social, police, justice, local cultural affairs etc)
Only the creation of a European federal government first in the centre of Europe, i.e. with Germany and France, can succeed. A European government is not viable without France or Germany. Once the European federal government will have been created in the centre of Europe it will be possible to incorporate the rest of the European countries in it.
The European federal government must be directly elected by the European citizens to enjoy, legitimacy, support and power.
A European Federal government is necessary to defend European interests.
3/ Membership of the European Federation in the European Union.
The European Union is a federation of European states and it brings crucial benefits by creating an embryo of European power.
The European Union is a first step towards integration in a European Federal State.
The European Union cannot survive if there is no will to create a European Federal government because populations want a government really sovereign.
The capital of the European federal Republic and thus of the European Federal State should be Aachen, last capital of a European State, founded by Charlemagne.
Our motto: diversity in unity
Constitutional program
Our primary goal is to establish a European Federal Government by incorporating France and Germany into a European Federal Republic and State.
France and Germany will have to agree to create a European Nation State and a European Constitution.will have to be adopted by the French and the Germans separately.
Such a constitution should of federal and presidential character.
1/ A federal constitution
The Constitution must be federal because Europe is diverse.
Only maters where individual european nations cannot be sovereign should fall under the power of the European federal government, namely Defense, Foreign Affairs, Industry and Research.
Each european nation shall remain sovereign for all the other matters.
2/ A presidential constitution
The Constitution must be presidential, as this strengthens territorial integrity as well as political stability, efficiency and accountability.
The president, elected for 5 years by the people, will be the head of state, the government and the armed forces.. He will appoint ministers and share legislative initiative with the Assembly. The President will be able to veto legislation. He may govern by decree in areas not covered by the law, notably to maintain the budget as it stands or to conduct military operations for a certain period.
A Chancellor of the European Federation will be elected by the citizens at the same time as the President. The Chancellor will advise the President, supervise the actions of the ministers and may be entrusted with governmental missions. He will succeed the President in the event of the latter's vacancy.
The chancellor must come from a European country other than the country of origin of the president of the European federation.
The European Assembly, representing the citizens of the federation, elected for 5 years, and the European Senate, representing the countries of the federation, will vote on legislation. These two chambers can lift a presidential veto with 3/4 of their votes.
The Senate will approve ministerial appointments, but may not reject more than 3 candidates for the same post.
the European Federal Supreme Court will uphold the federation's constitution, laws and treaties.
The first European presidential elections will take place once the Constitution has been approved separately by the French and German people. Then the first elections for the European Senate and Assembly will take place, followed by the appointment of judges to the Federal Supreme Court.
The French and German governments are the most competent and legitimate to draft the federal constitution.
Domestic Program
1/ Domestic program of the European Federal State
The European federation will ask European countries which are not yet part of the European Federation to incorporate the European State. If they refuse, It will support European Federal party forces in European countries outside the Federation in order to speed up the incorporation of the rest of the European countries into the Federal State.
The European Federation must be a federal State to take into consideration the important differences within Europe.
The official languages of the federation should be English (because it is the most widely known European language in Europe),German and French. These languages must be used in the federal government, in the federal administration and army and for federal exams. In every other instance the language of the local country must be used.
The other European languages should be used within the member countries for all the other matters.
Federal district creation to host the Federal institutions.
A power to tax in order to pay for federal European expenditures will be granted to the European Federal State.
Eventually borders, justice related to crimes against the European Republic and State, trade policy, part of equipment, part of environment, part of agriculture, part of higher education, part of transportation as well as part of History teaching could be transferred to the European federal government. Member countries will retain the other powers and responsabilities.
European concentration of energy, telecommunications, airlines, railroad and weapons industry . Investment in digital infrastructure and in strategic or underdeveloped sectors in partnership with private companies will be done.
Pursuit of car electrification and heating electrification . Massive support for nuclear energy, new energies, especially solar and fusion must be supported. Waterways and rail goods transport. Development of supersonic trains.
A European TV and Radio broadcasting company will emit in English, French and German with local subtitles.
Promotion of the European cultural heritage, notably for architecture, plastic arts, sculpture, music and cinema.
The social market economy must be defended and enhanced. High income households and corporations must be taxed at a rate of 50% to help labour and middle classes, notably in order to sustain demand.
Protection of workers rights
Investment in the poorest European countries must be carried out to lift their economic and social level over the long term.
Rationalization of public spending must be a constant goal of Federal, country and regional governments, in order to invest usefully, especially during recessions. Global demand must be supported.
Business climate must be improved through bureaucratic streamlining, anti corruption fight and good infrastructure.
Erasmus for every student who wishes to study in another European State. Possibility to vote and to become civil servant for every european citizen in any european country.
Visa free entry for study and work of US and Canadian citizens in Europe, on condition of reciprocity.
Protection of minority rights if these rights do not infringe on the freedom and way of life of the dominant culture. Immigration must remain limited.
2/ Domestic program for each European local State (France, Germany, Italy etc):
Make the apprentice system compulsory for companies.
Protection of workers rights and negociation capability by preventing discretionary lay offs, but alowing lay offs when both the employer and the worker agree. Longer unemployement benefits must be coupled to professional training, which must be improved through incitives and sanctions.
Protection of Pensions, but age for pension benefit must be increased.
Improvement of Business climate through bureaucratic streamlining, anti corruption fight and good infrastructure.
Rationalization of public spending must be a constant goal of Federal, country and regional governments, in order to invest usefully, especially during recessions.
Improvement of Integration through school and State programs focussing on European culture, european history, european patriotism and languages.
Improvement of Security in every neighbourhood through social workers, proximity police units and more anti crime police units.
Every one must have the ability to access to health care at no or very little cost, through a public health network (hospitals, medical centers, associated health care professionals).
Higher income must be taxed properly (50%).
Support for labor classes and middle classes through housing help and children help. Expansion of social housing.
Promoting the transmission of culture through the family.
Improvement of Natality through social incentives and school infrastructures.
Objective of man-woman wage equality for equal job, via incentives.
Protection of minority rights Same sex marriage must be allowed.
For France in particular: removal of departments
For Germany in particular: a German wide education system
International Program
The European federation will become a member of the European Union and of the European Monetary Union. (Eurozone)
The European federation will set up a European Army by integrating member countries regiments in European brigades and armies under European command. Gradual integration of companies into European regiments and subsequently complete integration between member countries armed forces will be pursued. The same will be done for naval forces and air forces.
Increase of missiles forces, naval forces (especially submarines), air forces, space forces, their support network and the intelligence services. It will enhance the quality of its ground forces equipment.
Defence budget: 3 % GDP of the European federation, notably to be able to defend the East of Europe and to promote European diplomatic and commercial interests across the world.
The European federation will set up mutual defensive alliances and/or military partnerships with other countries.
It will do it first with countries part of Central Asia (Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Azerbaidjan, Turkestan countries) and with countries part of the Arab world. Central Asia and the Arab world are the two main European neighbours. From this position, the European Federation will be in the position to establish normal relations with Russia and to expand its influence in the rest of the world, especially in Africa.
Free orientation for Ukraine and Belorussia must be supported by Europe (but not their incorporation into the European federal state).
Europe will have to establish a strategic partnership with China. She will have to have solid links with India.
The European federal State will be a member of Nato at the beginning. But as it grows it will not need this membership anymore because it will no longer need American protection.
However human relations between Europe and the USA will be enhanced (visas, studies, immigration).
Two State solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The European federation will establish preferred trade and economic agreements with its allies and it will support its military, industrial and agricultural commercial interests and those of its allies with its diplomatic might.
Establishment of European cultural institutes (which could be called Aristotle Institutes) in the main cities of the world and Europe to promote European culture, to support the teaching of German, French, English. and to promote cultural exchange.
Help for regional diplomatic, military and political integration in exchange for diplomatic and military support on the part of the regional major powers.
Spread of a solid form of presidential regime because this form of regime is capable of ensuring territorial integrity and social justice through sufficient power centralization while beeing checked by the people.
Fight against carbon emissions and protection of the environment, with setting of priorities, notably within the framework of the Paris accords.
Contribution to peace within the UN framework.
This is why we are European patriots.
We thus want a European federal Republic.
Such a european féderal government will be responsible for Defense, Foreign Affairs, Industry and Research.
We want to create the European Republic in the main core European countries first (France and Germany) by coming to power in those countries or by deciding the Heads of states in such countries to do so.
We then want to incorporate into this Republic the rest of the European countries.
FEDERAL EUROPE is a euroconservative culturalist and social political party. Its goal is to bring together conservative patriotic and liberal pro european voters in France and Germany by proposing a strong Europe and a European patriotism.
The 3 basic tenets of our party are:
1/ European patriotism first, local patriotism second
Europeans share a common culture, a common territory, a common history and a common population. They form a Civilisation and thus a grand Nation based on the european grand national identity.
Their culture is mostly Roman, Germanic, Christian and rational with inputs from Catholicism, the Renaissance, the Reformation and the Enlightenment.
Their territory is delimited by the Atlantic, the Mediterranean and by the Russian territories.
Their history consists of the Roman Empire, the Frankish Empire, the Holy Roman Empire and the Papacy.
Their State existed for 1000 years from Caesar to the grand sons of Charlemagne.
Their population is in greater part Germanic, with Italic, Slavic, Celtic and other elements.
Minorities living in Europe are part of the European Nation and contribute to its culture.
The grand European Nation regroups the small nations of Europe and respect the identity of each small european nation.
European patriotism must thus come before French, German, Dutch, British etc patriotism.
2/ Creation of the European Federal Government , called the European Federation, responsible for Defense, Foreign Affairs, Industry and Research in the core European countries first
A european fédral government is necessary to ensure real sovereignty for matters where individual european nations can no longer be really sovereign, namely Defense, Foreign Affairs, industry and Research.
Each european nation remains sovereign in every matter where it can really be sovereign alone 8education, social, police, justice, local cultural affairs etc)
Only the creation of a European federal government first in the centre of Europe, i.e. with Germany and France, can succeed. A European government is not viable without France or Germany. Once the European federal government will have been created in the centre of Europe it will be possible to incorporate the rest of the European countries in it.
The European federal government must be directly elected by the European citizens to enjoy, legitimacy, support and power.
A European Federal government is necessary to defend European interests.
3/ Membership of the European Federation in the European Union.
The European Union is a federation of European states and it brings crucial benefits by creating an embryo of European power.
The European Union is a first step towards integration in a European Federal State.
The European Union cannot survive if there is no will to create a European Federal government because populations want a government really sovereign.
The capital of the European federal Republic and thus of the European Federal State should be Aachen, last capital of a European State, founded by Charlemagne.
Our motto: diversity in unity
Constitutional program
Our primary goal is to establish a European Federal Government by incoporating France and Germany into a European Federal Republic and State.
France and Germany will have to agree to create a European Nation State and a European Constitution.will have to be adopted by the French and the Germans separately.
Such a constitution should of federal and presidential character.
1/ A federal constitution
The Constitution must be federal because Europe is diverse.
Only maters where individual european nations cannot be sovereign should fall under the power of the European federal governement, namely Defense, Foreign Affairs, Industry and Research.
Each european nation shall remain sovereign for all the other matters.
2/ A presidential constitution
The Constitution must be presidential, as this strengthens territorial integrity as well as political stability, efficiency and accountability.
The president will be the head of state, government and armed forces. He will appoint ministers and share legislative initiative with the Assembly. The President will be able to veto legislation. He may govern by decree in areas not covered by the law, notably to maintain the budget as it stands or to conduct military operations for a certain period.
A Chancellor of the European Federation will be elected by the citizens at the same time as the President. The Chancellor will advise the President, supervise the actions of the ministers and may be entrusted with governmental missions. He will succeed the President in the event of the latter's vacancy.
The chancellor must come from a European country other than the country of origin of the president of the European federation.
The European Assembly, representing the citizens of the federation, elected for 5 years through majority vote, and the European Senate, representing the countries of the federation, will vote on legislation. These two chambers can lift a presidential veto with 3/4 of their votes.
The Senate will approve ministerial appointments, but may not reject more than 3 candidates for the same post.
the European Federal Supreme Court will uphold the federation's constitution, laws and treaties.
The first European presidential elections will take place once the Constitution has been approved separately by the French and German people. Then the first elections for the European Senate and Assembly will take place, followed by the appointment of judges to the Federal Supreme Court.
The French and German governments are the most competent and legitimate to draft the federal constitution.
Domestic Program
1/ Domestic program of the European Federal State
The European federation will ask European countries which are not yet part of the European Federation to incorporate the European State. If they refuse, It will support European Federal party forces in European countries outside the Federation in order to speed up the incorporation of the rest of the European countries into the Federal State.
The European Federation must be a federal State to take into consideration the important differences within Europe.
The official languages of the federation should be English (because it is the most widely known European language in Europe),German and French. These languages must be used in the federal government, in the federal administration and army and for federal exams. In every other instance the language of the local country must be used.
The other European languages should be used within the member countries for all the other matters.
Federal district creation to host the Federal institutions.
A power to tax in order to pay for federal European expenditures will be granted to the European Federal State.
Eventually borders, justice related to crimes against the European Republic and State, trade policy, part of equipment, part of environment, part of agriculture, part of higher education, part of transportation as well as part of History teaching could be transferred to the European federal government. Member countries will retain the other powers and responsibilities.
European concentration of energy, telecommunications, airlines, railroad and weapons industry . Investment in digital infrastructure and in strategic or underdeveloped sectors in partnership with private companies will be done.
Pursuit of car electrification and heating electrification . Massive support for nuclear energy, new energies, especially solar and fusion must be supported. Waterways and rail goods transport. Development of supersonic trains.
A European TV and Radio broadcasting company will emit in English, French and German with local subtitles.
Promotion of the European cultural heritage, notably for architecture, plastic arts, sculpture, music and cinema.
The social market economy must be defended and enhanced. High income households and corporations must be taxed at a rate of 50% to help labour and middle classes, notably in order to sustain demand.
Protection of workers rights
Investment in the poorest European countries must be carried out to lift their economic and social level over the long term.
Rationalization of public spending must be a constant goal of Federal, country and regional governments, in order to invest usefully, especially during recessions. Global demand must be supported.
Business climate must be improved through bureaucratic streamlining, anti corruption fight and good infrastructure.
Erasmus for every student who wishes to study in another European State. Possibility to vote and to become civil servant for every european citizen in any european country.
Visa free entry for study and work of US and Canadian citizens in Europe, on condition of reciprocity.
Protection of minority rights if these rights do not infringe on the freedom and way of life of the dominant culture. Immigration must remain limited.
2/ Domestic program for each European local State (France, Germany, Italy etc):
Make the apprentice system compulsory for companies.
Protection of workers rights and negociation capability by preventing discretionary lay offs, but allowing lay offs when both the employer and the worker agree. Longer unemployement benefits must be coupled to professional training, which must be improved through incentives and sanctions.
Protection of Pensions, but age for pension benefit must be increased.
Improvement of Business climate through bureaucratic streamlining, anti corruption fight and good infrastructure.
Rationalization of public spending must be a constant goal of Federal, country and regional governments, in order to invest usefully, especially during recessions.
Improvement of Integration through school and State programs focussing on European culture, european history, european patriotism and languages.
Improvement of Security in every neighbourhood through social workers, proximity police units and more anti crime police units.
Every one must have the ability to access to health care at no or very little cost, through a public health network (hospitals, medical centers, associated health care professionals).
Higher income must be taxed properly (50%).
Support for labor classes and middle classes through housing help and children help. Expansion of social housing.
Promoting the transmission of culture through the family.
Improvement of Natality through social incentives and school infrastructures.
Objective of man-woman wage equality for equal job, via incentives.
Protection of minority rights Same sex marriage must be allowed.
For France in particular: removal of departments
For Germany in particular: a German wide education system
International Program
The European federation will become a member of the European Union and of the European Monetary Union. (Eurozone)
The European federation will set up a European Army by integrating member countries regiments in European brigades and armies under European command. Gradual integration of companies into European regiments and subsequently complete integration between member countries armed forces will be pursued. The same will be done for naval forces and air forces.
Increase of missiles forces, naval forces (especially submarines), air forces, space forces, their support network and the intelligence services. It will enhance the quality of its ground forces equipment.
Defence budget: 3 % GDP of the European federation, notably to be able to defend the East of Europe and to promote European diplomatic and commercial interests across the world.
The European federation will set up mutual defensive alliances and/or military partnerships with other countries.
It will do it first with countries part of Central Asia (Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Azerbaidjan, Turkestan countries) and with countries part of the Arab world. Central Asia and the Arab world are the two main European neighbours. From this position, the European Federation will be in the position to establish normal relations with Russia and to expand its influence in the rest of the world, especially in Africa.
Free orientation for Ukraine and Belorussia must be supported by Europe (but not their incorporation into the European federal state).
Europe will have to establish a strategic partnership with China. She will have to have solid links with India.
The European federal State will be a member of Nato at the beginning. But as it grows it will not need this membership anymore because it will no longer need American protection.
However human relations between Europe and the USA will be enhanced (visas, studies, immigration).
Two State solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The European federation will establish preferred trade and economic agreements with its allies and it will support its military, industrial and agricultural commercial interests and those of its allies with its diplomatic might.
Establishment of European cultural institutes (which could be called Aristotle Institutes) in the main cities of the world and Europe to promote European culture, to support the teaching of German, French, English. and to promote cultural exchange.
Help for regional diplomatic, military and political integration in exchange for diplomatic and military support on the part of the regional major powers.
Spread of a solid form of presidential regime because this form of regime is capable of ensuring territorial integrity and social justice through sufficient power centralization while beeing checked by the people.
Fight against carbon emissions and protection of the environment, with setting of priorities, notably within the framework of the Paris accords.
Contribution to peace within the UN framework.